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Grasslin Uni 45 Manual Muscle

Grasslin Uni 45 Manual Muscle

Grasslin Timer Manual Instructions. Be contained in grasslin timer instructions uni 45, but you will see that most manuals (at least the useful ones). Grasslin Uni 45 Series Timers. Grasslin Uni 45 Series Timers. Manual Cleaning Equipment & Parts. Grasslin Uni 45 Series Timers. Grasslin Uni 45 Series Timers. Manual Cleaning Equipment & Parts.

Anonymous. SOURCE: Open following links for analog timer instructions: FM1STUZH-120 is 120Volt 24 hour timer with manual override button. Each tripper-or-pin on timer dial represents 15 minutes. The timer can be set for several different purposes. Since the timer has manual override and NO NC terminals, the best way to proceed is to wire your timer, turn power ON, move 10 trippers-or-pins outward, leave rest of pins inward, then manually rotate dial to watch when load turns on-off.

Then move override switch to each of 3 positions and repeat same test. These actions will reveal correct wiring and switch setting for your purpose. Add a comment for more help. Upvote the help.


Intermatic Grasslin Manual

Grasslin Uni 45 Manual Muscle

And take advantage of fixya expert assistance live. For a price, expert works with you while you work on timer or any do-it-yourself project. Fixya is always less expensive than a service call. Posted on Jun 05, 2011. Pins IN = timer ON pins OUT = timer OFF Slide-switch must be pushed to right for timer to work If dial is not rotating, wiring is incorrect (see below for wiring) Grasslin and Paragon both offer multiple-gang timers. Grasslin manual says: ' For example, to turn lights ON at 5:00pm and OFF at 11:00pm, leave inward the 18 trippers between 5 and 11 on the 'pm' side of the dial.

Click it and That's it, you're done amigo! Slime reason rapidshare free.

Grasslin Timer Instructions

Wiring timer: Timer black goes to Hot wire Timer red (or blue) goes to Load Timer white goes to Neutral (if no neutral, then connect to bare ground) If timer dial does not rotate, black and red wires are reversed Oct 08, 2010.