Places Scout Software Review
Supply Chain Services
TY Scout does some things BL does not do or does them better. And BL does some things Scout does not do or does them better. I just emailed Mark for an update.
Building a new software program IMO is just like building a new house. There are always delays and it always takes longer than you think it will to finish the job. BUT when you build a house you typically don't have the foundation shifting under you and messing up the framing you just did so you have to start over. I'd sure hate to program around Google's constant changes! Folks, First, I want to apologize for my lack of communication regarding the upcoming release of the new web-based version of Places Scout. I've been so buried deep in code, managing my guys, and trying to get everything working properly for the upcoming launch that i've have lost sight up keeping everyone up to date as to where we are at with everything, and for that i apologize.
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Placesscout reviews: RIPPED OFF by mark kabana places scout. Places scout, mark kabana, seo software, google places, seo tool, places scout reviews, places. Review of PlacesScout. Find PlacesScout demo, pricing, features & free quote and alternatives, competitors. Dec 01, 2017 Homepage › Forums › General Scouting › Scout Management Software This topic contains 18 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by oddball 1.
Will start doing a better job at this ASAP, starting with regular updates on my website. With that out of the way, I have just created the following page on our website that has the current status of where everything is at regarding the upcoming release of the new web-based version of Places Scout: We have started beta testing our new UI this week are looking to launch the new web-based version of Places Scout near the end of this month for certain users on the waiting list and a full public release at the end of February. We will be slowly inviting users to beta test to ensure proper functionality and to help work out any remaining bugs before doing a full public release. Please visit the above link for additional information regarding the upcoming launch of the new Places Scout online version. From here on out i will be regularly updating that page with additional information as it becomes available.
We have been working extremely hard at making our new platform a reality, and are very close to wrapping up the final remaining pieces. Here are some sneak peek screenshots: Looking forward to providing you guys with an amazing new Local SEO Platform in the near future! Best Regards, Mark Kabana.