Polygon Reduction Tool
Hello, What I wanted to know are there any plugins or a free software that can reduce the number of polygons. For example, a truck/bogie for locomotive would have 100,000 faces.
We provide free online mesh simplification service for all Unity users, please download our Online Edition v5.0(Last updated on January 27, 2018), which runs as an.
I would want to reduce it by half. The total of faces would be 50,000. It could be the entire model or just multiple selections on parts of the model that I want them to be reduced to a low number of polygons. Why am I asking is due to the fact I wanted to create 2 different level based on a high polygon model: -Low polygon Model -Medium polygon model It would take a lot of time to build 3 different model with 3 level of details. I would appreciate your helping with this, so thanks in advance.
Sparda: It would take a lot of time to build 3 different model with 3 level of details. Most 3D software will not allow ‘destructive’ changes from code without user input the main reason is it complicated and users can lose their work in your simple example, I could guess you want to keep:. the base rectangle. the height at each end. the height at the start and end of each curve but how can ‘code’ guess that? If it was modelled at origin with the correct axis orientation, then the bounding box may help with 1 and 2 if the ‘curve’ really is made as a curve, circle or arc, then the code could possibly target that but what happens to any attached faces when it replaces edges with a different set?
That’s a good explanation. About my previous post, what I meant is there a plugin that allows anyone that can select a face that has the arc.
At this point, where the face is selected with “blue” all of the lines shown blue, that should allow the user to change the segment on both sides. This is just like in the picture, where you see the model on the left side would be changed to the model on the right side.
This is where I don’t have to use the Push/Pull tool again to pull the model back in that type of model once again. EDIT: Another way to say it is the method is to do multiple lines on both sides and change their segment (you can assume all of their segment has the same count of sides). When both sides are changed, the face will be also changed as well.
Or is there no plugins that can do this. That’s the question but the method I explained in this post and the previous post are more like a simplified method to change the detail of a model. I tried the method where I started with a low polygon model and when it’s finished. I would try to turn it into a high detailed model using a plugin or other software. A few models that can work are wine glasses or glasses, a helmet, the body of a car.
But I already mentioned that I am creating a truck or a bogie that locomotive/train use to move along on the track. The truck/bogie will not work like glasses or a helmet. I am trying to find out if there are plugins that can save me a lot of time on building 3 different level of details on a truck/bogie.