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Paste number 135115: ETS4 Professional- KNX download crack Pasted by: szv When: 5 years, 2 weeks ago Share: Channel: Paste contents: Display As ETS4 Professional- KNX ETS4 is the newest generation of ETS and therefore direct successor of ETS3 software.
This article covers the following topics:. 1. What is the Online Catalog?
The Online Catalog, is a service that is provided by KNX Association to the ETS/ETS Inside users free of charge, and makes it possible to search online for available KNX products on a server hosted by KNX Association. It is embedded as a functionality in ETS Inside, so that it is directly available in the user interface. How is the Online Catalog structured and managed?
The Online Catalog is structured based on:. Availability of a product in a 'Market' (Country). Availability of a 'Product language' KNX Association manages the list of available countries where the KNX Manufacturers can make their products available and not the actual products. The products that are available via the Online Catalog are exclusively managed by the respective KNX Manufacturers. Therefore, if you do not find the products of a KNX Manufacturer, please contact it directly. Example KNX Manufacturer A has a switching actuator with 'French' as product language among other languages. However, this switching actuator, may not be distributed in market 'France' but only in market 'Switzerland'.
In this case, the KNX Manufacturer will set in the Online Catalog the following parameters for this switching actuator: Product Name Available Languages Available in Markets Switching actuator A fr-FR, en-US, de-DE, el-GR Germany, Greece, Switzerland 3. How can ETS Inside users configure their Online Catalog preferences? The Online Catalog preferences can be set via the 'Settings' section (1). And then by tapping the 'Online Catalog' section (1)on the left. The market selection can be done from the 'Market' dropdown menu (2) and the 'Preferred product language' from the respective dropdown menu (3). If it is necessary to update the content of the Online Catalog, then tap the button 'Update now' (4). In order to update the Online Catalog, you need to have your ETS Inside server connected to the internet.
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If you have already selected a market and/or the preferred product language (e.g. English) and then you need to change one of the options (e.g. Language), you have to update the online catalog again by pressing the button 'Update now' (4).
By doing so, the products in the Online Catalog will switch from English to the new language (e.g. French) and if the new language is not included in the products, then the default product language will be shown. Initial state, Preferred product language is English New state, Preferred product language changed to French and the Online Catalog has been updated 4.
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How can ETS Inside users use the Online Catalog You can see how to use the Online Catalog and add devices to your project. 5. Can I use the Online Catalog if there is no internet connection? It actually depends on what you want to do. If it is the first time you open ETS Inside, in order to see the list of all the available KNX devices and also add them in your project, it is mandatory to have internet connection available only on the ETS Inside server. If it is not the first time you open the ETS Inside, and you want to add more instances of an already added device, then you do not need internet connection neither on the ETS Inside server nor on the ETS Inside client. If it is not the first time you open the ETS Inside, and you want to add a device that has not been added in your project before, then you need internet connection only on the ETS Inside server.