Ap Biology Lab Manual Lab 111
Biology Lab Manual. The 13 laboratory investigations in this book support the AP Biology course and allow you to explore the natural world. The labs support the 'big. Investigation 11 tRansPiRation*. As modeled in Figure 1. * Transitioned from the AP Biology Lab Manual (2001). Chapter 4 in this manual.). AP Biology Lab manual. - The College Board.
AP Biology Lab 9: Restriction Enzyme Analysis How can we use genetic information to identify and profile individuals? Begin this assignment by reading over this lab in the AP Biology Investigative Lab Manual and reviewing the lab rubric provided in this module. You must complete each section of the lab as directed in the rubric and submit your assignment to the appropriate dropbox. PreLab Assessment Before you begin this lab, review the relevant information in the content and in your textbook.
After your review, complete the following prelab assessment. To prepare for the following lab, it is important for you to have a good understanding of restriction enzyme analysis. Review these concepts by clicking below.
Restriction Enzyme Analysis Procedure Materials Laboratory Investigations Notebook Introduction Review the information provided on pages 111-124 in your lab manual and correlate this information with your prior knowledge of the content to prepare a thorough background, purpose, and hypothesis statement. Be sure to address the concepts of photosynthesis to prepare your background. Use your understanding of scientific methodology to address the purpose of the experiment and prepare a thorough and appropriate hypothesis.
Material & Procedure This investigation consists of several activities, some of which have been altered in order for you to conduct this lab at home. Make sure you understand both the prepared and modified procedure. Begin by reading over the entier lab very carefully and then create investigative ideas that can be tested by experimentation. Activity I: Restriction Enzymes As indicated on page 113 of your student lab manual, you will review the function of restriction enzymes by completing questions 1 & 2 in your student lab manual.
Do Not Write in the Lab Manual. Record all observations and responses in your laboratory investigation notebook.
Activity II: DNA Mapping Using Restriction Enzymes Read the information for this activity found on pages 114-115 of your student lab manual. Follow the directions as provided and answer all questions in your laboratory investigation notebook. Activity III: Basic Principles of Gel Electrophoresis Read all the information on pages 115-122. To complete this part of the lab, you will complete a modified version by using a virtual lab from the Genetic Science Learning Center. Begin by completing the tutorial review provided as part of the virtual lab. After you complete the tutorial, you will be guided to conduct the steps necessary to create and run an electrophoresis gel. Although these procedures are the same as the directions provided on pages 116-119 of your student manual, make sure you review both the lab and manual carefully to ensure thorough understanding.
To complete your analysis, read the directions beginning on page 120 of your student lab manual. As indicated, examine the ideal digest provided on page 121 and record the distance traveled for each band from the BamHI, EcoRI, and HindIII digest.
Be sure to use a centimeter ruler to record the distance each band from the horizontal and vertical center of the well to the center of the band. You can print out a copy from the sidebar.
Record this data in your copy of Table 1 (DO NOT WRITE IN THE AP LAB MANUAL). As indicated in step 3, you will need to plot the migration distance and the base pair fragment sizes on semilog graph paper from the HindIII digest. You must use a spreadsheet program, set to graph on a logarithmic scale, otherwise your data will be incorrect. Finally, use the standard curve to calculate the approximate sizes of the EcoRI and BamHI fragments. Record your distance migrated and interpolated sizes (actual bp will be provided when your assignment is graded). To complete this investigation, you will design an investigative technique as discussed in the lab manual and complete the directions as indicated on page 122 of your student lab manual. Remember to record your procedures carefully and in enough detail so that another can easily reconstruct the experiment, however, you do not have to be elaborate.
Be careful when constructing your procedure based on the steps provided in the lab manual, as you may have adjusted your procedure to match your needs. The purpose of this is not to have you recreate the lab that has been prepared, but to use your understanding of scientific methodology and inquiry to construct a viable lab.
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Online Biology Lab
Data Collection Qualitative data: Using your understanding of the lab, record the qualitative data you collected from the each part of your investigation. For your designed investigation, create an image of a hypothetical gel related to the scenario that will provide proposed quantitative data for analysis. Quantitative data: Organize the data collected from the activities as indicated in your student lab manual and prepare hypothetical data as indicated in your designed investigation. Be sure to label your data tables appropriately. Analysis & Discussion. Create a graph indicating the standard curve created by the HindIII digest. On your graph, indicate the interpolated points of the EcoRI and BamHI digest.
Include the summary of the scenario based on motive, means, opportunity, and DNA evidence. Include a discussion of your conclusions in the appropriate discussion forum. Include responses to the following questions in your analysis:. Two restriction fragments of nearly the same base pair size appear as a single band, even when the sample is run to the very end of the gel.
What could be done to resolve the fragments? Why would it work?.
What is the source of restriction enzymes? What is their function in nature?.
How can a mutation that alters a recognition site be detected by gel electrophoresis? Conclusions Summarize your findings and analysis in complete and coherent paragraphs. Be sure to include the purpose of your experiment and relate your findings to your hypothesis. Also discuss limitations, possible sources of error, and means of improvement for your investigations. References Include all references in APA format. Don't forget that you should have in-text citations to correlate to the references included in this section.
Questions for Thought: Who Dunnit? For AP Lab 9: Restriction Enzyme Analysis, you were presented with a scenario which involved a missing teacher, blood, and several suspects. After conducting the lab, you should have a good idea of how to determine who is responsible for the crime.
In your discussion post, describe the scenario based on motive, means, opportunity, and DNA evidence. Be sure to include data collected from your experiment as justification for your conclusions. Once you've completed your responses, follow your teacher's instructions for submitting your work.